Police Respond To Fight Over The Weekend
Newport police responded to a call over the weekend about a fight between two men going on behind the Best Western motel at I-40 and Cosby Hwy. Oscar Boswell, Jr. told officers that he and his brother-in-law, 40 year old Jerry Jones, had been arguing over family issues for several hours and that turned into a fist fight, which left minor injuries on Boswell’s hands.
He pointed out to police a red truck that was leaving the hotel with Jones behind the wheel. Other officers stopped the truck across the street at the Kenjo Market. Jerry Jones admitted to the fight but denied anything physical took place. Jones was determined to be the aggressor in the incident and was arrested for domestic assault. Jones was also in possession of a firearm and both men had been drinking, so Jones was also charged with being in possession of a weapon while under the influence.