City Of Newport Reminder On Fireworks
One week from Monday is the 4th of July and fireworks stands are popping up all over the area. It seems there’s one on just about every major intersection. Some Cocke County residents are already setting off some fireworks, but in the City of Newport…that is a no-no. The City of Newport is reminding residents that it is unlawful to set off fireworks within the city limits except from July 3rd to July 5th and only till 11pm at night. City law also says you cannot set off fireworks that explode on another person’s property nor can fireworks be set off within 600 feet of a church, hospital, funeral home or school. Also fireworks cannot be set off within 200 feet of where fireworks are stored or sold. Also remember, it is unlawful to throw fireworks from a motor vehicle…or into a motor vehicle. Newport city officials want you to have a fantastic 4th of July…but be safe and follow the law.