Police Search For Bank Robbery Suspect
The search is contiuing for the man who robbed a branch of Newport Federal Bank on Friday. According to police, a man walked into the downtown branch of Newport Federal Bank Friday afternoon around 3:30. The man handed the bank teller a note, and showed that he was armed. The teller followed the directions on the note and the man then fled from the bank on foot.
The man is described as a white male with very short hair, 5′ 8″ tall and weighing about 200-220 pounds. The suspect was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jean shorts and dark sunglasses. Downtown businesses went into lockdown while the initial search for the suspect took place downtown. Police later determined the suspect had left the downtown area and the lockdown was lifted around 5pm.
Anyone who recognizes the suspect or has information about the armed robbery needs to call the Newport Police Department at 423-623-5556, ext. 527…or The Knoxville office of the FBI at 865-544-0751.