When Tennesseans go to the polls in November of 2022, voters will have a chance to amend the state’s constitution. For years, Republicans in the state ligislature have worked to get an amendment to put Tennessee’s “right to work” policy into the constitution. Yesterday, GOP lawmakers were successful in advancing the propsed amendment to make sure it is on the ballot next year. A “right-to-work” law prohibits a company and a union from signing a contract that would require workers to pay dues or fees to the union that represents them…as a condition of employment.
Currently, 27 states have such laws and several have cemented that law into their state constitutions. Tennessee’s right to work law dates back 74 years to 1947.
Opponents say that the right to work law discourages workers from joining unions, while others argue that right-to-work states have more workplace fatalities and lower wages. But, next November you will have a hand in saying whether Tennessee’s right to work status becomes part of the state constitution.