Fireworks Reminder
With the 4th of July weekend now upon us, it seems like a good time to remind you of the ordinances regarding fireworks in the city of Newport and also in Cocke County. In the city of Newport, fireworks can only be set off from July 3rd through July 5th and only until 11pm. Also, fireworks cannot be set off within 600 feet of any church, hospital, funeral home, public or private school or within 200 feet of where fireworks are being stored or sold. It also illegal in Newpor to set off fireworks on another person’s property without that property owner’s approval.
In the county, there is no ordinance against setting off fireworks. However, after a certain hour, such as 11pm or midnight, setting off fireworks would be considered disturbing the peace, and you could be cited for that. So, it’s a good rule of thumb to set off any fireworks prior to 11pm.