NCDOT Updates I-40 Status
The North Carolina Department of Transportation on Thursday gave an update on I-40. The interrstate remains closed in North Carolina after flood waters washed away sections of I-40 east in the Pigeon River gorge. NCDOT had planned to reopen the interstate with the westbound lanes being converted into a two way highway. That plan was scrubbed when another portion of the interstate collapsed, leading engineers to deem the westbound lanes unsafe for travel.
NCDOT now says they hope to have the interstate reopened by sometime this spring. Crews are currently installing soil nails to help stabilize the road along stretches that collapsed. When I-40 does reopen it will be one lane in each direction on the westbound side. There will be curb medians installed to separate the two lanes and the speed limit will be just 40mph.
NCDOT reminds all motorists driving from Tennessee to North Carolina on I-40 to take I-81 north to I-77 south. Interstate 26 is open in Unicoi County but is a lane in each direction and vehicles over 10 feet wide are prohibited.