10 Digit Dialing Begins This Week

Get ready to push more buttons when you call a phone number. Starting on Wednesday, February 5, all local calls made within the 423 area code must be dialed using 10 digits (area code...

Weekend Fire At Empower Cocke County

An exposed electrical outlet is being blamed as the cause for a fire in downtown Newport on Saturday. That fire was at the Empower Cocke County building. The building’s flooring had been ripped up...

Missing Hiker Found Dead In GSMNP

A missing hiker has been found dead in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 73 year old Ann Houghton of Jackson County, NC was reported as missing on Saturday after she had planned to...

NCDOT Updates I-40 Status

The North Carolina Department of Transportation on Thursday gave an update on I-40. The interrstate remains closed in North Carolina after flood waters washed away sections of I-40 east in the Pigeon River gorge....