TBI Says Violent Crime Down In 2022
The TBI’s report on crime in 2022 has been released and there is good news regarding violent crime. That includes murder, rape and kidnapping. All three of those crimes saw a double digit decrease during 2022. According to the stats, murder was down nearly 15%, Rapes were down over 10% from 2021 and Kidnapping or abduction cases decreased by nearly 12%. The TBI considers those crimes as well as assault, robbery, burglary, drug offenses and vehicle thefts as Group A crimes. The month of August had the most Group A incidents with 44,449.
Most offenses happened in residences with 41%. As far as the victims, there were more victims of crimes overall in 2022 that 2021. The TBI says there were a total of 346,362 victims of crime in 2022, that’s a 1.08% increase over 2021.
Women were the biggest victims of crimes…with 183,167 incidents with the age group 25-34 having the most victims. Those two groups also comprise the most victims of domestic assault in 2022.
The TBI says most crimes trended downward in 2022, but animal cruelty cases continued a three year trend of rising. Also, crimes committed by juveniles continued to rise in 2022. The full report can be found at https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/tbi/documents/2022%20CRIME%20IN%20TENNESSEE%20Compiled%20FINAL%20SECURED.pdf