The Heat Is On…Take Precautions
Get ready for the hottest temperatures we have seen this year. The thermometer is expected to climb into the mid-90’s for Saturday and Sunday, but by Tuesday, some areas of East Tennessee could see the mercury hit triple digits. Make sure that you stay hydrated if you will be working outside this weekend or early next week. Drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks as the heat can get to you quickly. Also don’t forget about pets. If you have dogs outside, it is best to bring them indoors to the air conditioning. If that is not possible, make sure that your pet has access to shade and keep plenty of water available for them to drink. Without water, dogs can get overheated quickly just like we can.
According to the Centers For Disease Control, the temperatures we will be experiencing over the coming days can lead to heat related illnesses like heat exhaustion or heat stroke. According to the CDC’s website, some of the symptoms of heat exhaustion are Heavy sweating; Cold, pale, and clammy skin; Nausea or vomiting; Muscle cramps and even fainting. The symptoms of Heat Stroke include a body temperature of 103 or higher; Hot, red, dry, or damp skin; a Fast, strong pulse; Headache and confusion.
If you believe someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, get them inside to a cool place, sip water, maybe take a cool bath. If someone is suffering from heat stoke, call 911 to get help immediately and get that person into a cooler place, use cool cloths or a cool bath to try to cool them down, but DO NOT give that person anything to drink.